SeqAn3  3.0.3
The Modern C++ library for sequence analysis.
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // Copyright (c) 2006-2020, Knut Reinert & Freie Universität Berlin
3 // Copyright (c) 2016-2020, Knut Reinert & MPI für molekulare Genetik
4 // This file may be used, modified and/or redistributed under the terms of the 3-clause BSD-License
5 // shipped with this file and also available at:
6 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 #pragma once
15 #include <functional>
16 #include <tuple>
17 #include <utility>
18 #include <vector>
65 namespace seqan3::detail
66 {
77 template <typename range_type,
78  typename alignment_config_type>
80 {
81 private:
88  using first_seq_t = std::tuple_element_t<0, std::ranges::range_value_t<unref_range_type>>;
90  using second_seq_t = std::tuple_element_t<1, std::ranges::range_value_t<unref_range_type>>;
93 public:
95  constexpr static bool expects_tuple_like_value_type()
96  {
98  std::tuple_size_v<std::ranges::range_value_t<unref_range_type>> == 2;
99  }
102  constexpr static bool expects_valid_scoring_scheme()
103  {
104  if constexpr (alignment_config_type::template exists<align_cfg::scoring_scheme>())
105  {
106  using scoring_type =
108  decltype(get<align_cfg::scoring_scheme>(std::declval<alignment_config_type>()).scheme)>;
109  return static_cast<bool>(scoring_scheme_for<scoring_type,
110  std::ranges::range_value_t<first_seq_t>,
111  std::ranges::range_value_t<second_seq_t>>);
112  }
113  else
114  {
115  return false;
116  }
117  }
120  constexpr static bool expects_alignment_configuration()
121  {
122  const bool is_global = alignment_config_type::template exists<seqan3::align_cfg::method_global>();
123  const bool is_local = alignment_config_type::template exists<seqan3::align_cfg::method_local>();
125  return (is_global || is_local);
126  }
127 };
134 {
135 private:
140  template <typename traits_t>
142  {
143  private:
145  static constexpr bool only_coordinates = !(traits_t::compute_begin_positions ||
146  traits_t::compute_sequence_alignment);
149  using score_matrix_t = std::conditional_t<traits_t::is_banded,
153  using trace_matrix_t = std::conditional_t<traits_t::is_banded,
154  alignment_trace_matrix_full_banded<typename traits_t::trace_type,
156  alignment_trace_matrix_full<typename traits_t::trace_type,
159  public:
162  };
167  template <typename traits_t>
169  {
170  private:
172  using score_t = typename traits_t::score_type;
176  public:
178  using type = std::conditional_t<traits_t::is_vectorised,
181  };
189  template <typename traits_t>
191  {
192  private:
194  using score_t = typename traits_t::score_type;
196  public:
198  using type = std::conditional_t<traits_t::is_vectorised,
201  };
204  template <typename traits_t, typename ...args_t>
205  using select_alignment_algorithm_t = lazy_conditional_t<traits_t::is_banded,
207  lazy<pairwise_alignment_algorithm, args_t...>>;
212  template <typename config_t>
214  {
215  private:
230  public:
235  };
237 public:
264  template <align_pairwise_range_input sequences_t, typename config_t>
266  requires is_type_specialisation_of_v<config_t, configuration>
268  static constexpr auto configure(config_t const & cfg)
269  {
270  auto config_with_output = maybe_default_output(cfg);
271  using config_with_output_t = decltype(config_with_output);
273  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
274  // Configure the type-erased alignment function.
275  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
277  using first_seq_t = std::tuple_element_t<0, std::ranges::range_value_t<sequences_t>>;
278  using second_seq_t = std::tuple_element_t<1, std::ranges::range_value_t<sequences_t>>;
280  using wrapped_first_t = type_reduce_view<first_seq_t &>;
281  using wrapped_second_t = type_reduce_view<second_seq_t &>;
283  // The alignment executor passes a chunk over an indexed sequence pair range to the alignment algorithm.
284  using indexed_sequence_pair_range_t = typename chunked_indexed_sequence_pairs<sequences_t>::type;
285  using indexed_sequence_pair_chunk_t = std::ranges::range_value_t<indexed_sequence_pair_range_t>;
287  // Select the result type based on the sequences and the configuration.
288  using alignment_result_value_t = typename align_result_selector<std::remove_reference_t<wrapped_first_t>,
290  config_with_output_t>::type;
291  using alignment_result_t = alignment_result<alignment_result_value_t>;
292  using callback_on_result_t = std::function<void(alignment_result_t)>;
293  // Define the function wrapper type.
294  using function_wrapper_t = std::function<void(indexed_sequence_pair_chunk_t, callback_on_result_t)>;
296  // Capture the alignment result type.
297  auto config_with_result_type = config_with_output | align_cfg::detail::result_type<alignment_result_t>{};
299  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
300  // Test some basic preconditions
301  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
303  using alignment_contract_t = alignment_contract<sequences_t, config_with_output_t>;
305  static_assert(alignment_contract_t::expects_alignment_configuration(),
306  "Alignment configuration error: "
307  "The alignment can only be configured with alignment configurations.");
309  static_assert(alignment_contract_t::expects_tuple_like_value_type(),
310  "Alignment configuration error: "
311  "The value type of the sequence ranges must model the seqan3::tuple_like and must contain "
312  "exactly 2 elements.");
314  static_assert(alignment_contract_t::expects_valid_scoring_scheme(),
315  "Alignment configuration error: "
316  "Either the scoring scheme was not configured or the given scoring scheme cannot be invoked with "
317  "the value types of the passed sequences.");
319  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
320  // Configure the algorithm
321  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
323  // Use default edit distance if gaps are not set.
324  align_cfg::gap_cost_affine edit_gap_cost{};
325  auto const & gap_cost = config_with_result_type.get_or(edit_gap_cost);
326  auto const & scoring_scheme = get<align_cfg::scoring_scheme>(cfg).scheme;
328  if constexpr (config_t::template exists<seqan3::align_cfg::method_global>())
329  {
330  // Only use edit distance if ...
331  auto method_global_cfg = get<seqan3::align_cfg::method_global>(config_with_result_type);
332  // Only use edit distance if ...
333  if (gap_cost.open_score == 0 && // gap open score is not set,
334  !(method_global_cfg.free_end_gaps_sequence2_leading ||
335  method_global_cfg.free_end_gaps_sequence2_trailing) && // none of the free end gaps are set for second seq,
336  (method_global_cfg.free_end_gaps_sequence1_leading ==
337  method_global_cfg.free_end_gaps_sequence1_trailing)) // free ends for leading and trailing gaps are equal in first seq.
338  {
339  // TODO: Instead of relying on nucleotide scoring schemes we need to be able to determine the edit distance
340  // option via the scheme.
341  if constexpr (is_type_specialisation_of_v<std::remove_cvref_t<decltype(scoring_scheme)>,
343  {
344  if ((scoring_scheme.score('A'_dna15, 'A'_dna15) == 0) &&
345  (scoring_scheme.score('A'_dna15, 'C'_dna15)) == -1)
346  {
347  return std::pair{configure_edit_distance<function_wrapper_t>(config_with_result_type),
348  config_with_result_type};
349  }
350  }
351  }
352  }
354  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
355  // Check if invalid configuration was used.
356  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
358  // Do not allow min score configuration for alignments not computing the edit distance.
359  if (config_t::template exists<align_cfg::min_score>())
360  throw invalid_alignment_configuration{"The align_cfg::min_score configuration is only allowed for the "
361  "specific edit distance computation."};
362  // Configure the alignment algorithm.
363  return std::pair{configure_scoring_scheme<function_wrapper_t>(config_with_result_type),
364  config_with_result_type};
365  }
367 private:
377  template <typename config_t>
378  static constexpr auto maybe_default_output(config_t const & config) noexcept
379  {
382  if constexpr (traits_t::has_output_configuration)
383  return config;
384  else
385  return config | align_cfg::output_score{} |
391  }
398  template <typename function_wrapper_t, typename config_t>
399  static constexpr function_wrapper_t configure_edit_distance(config_t const & cfg)
400  {
403  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
404  // Unsupported configurations
405  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
407  if constexpr (traits_t::is_banded)
408  throw invalid_alignment_configuration{"Banded alignments are yet not supported."};
410  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
411  // Configure semi-global alignment
412  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
414  // Get the value for the sequence ends configuration.
415  auto method_global_cfg = cfg.get_or(align_cfg::method_global{});
417  auto configure_edit_traits = [&] (auto is_semi_global)
418  {
419  struct edit_traits_type
420  {
421  using is_semi_global_type [[maybe_unused]] = std::remove_cvref_t<decltype(is_semi_global)>;
422  };
424  edit_distance_algorithm<std::remove_cvref_t<config_t>, edit_traits_type> algorithm{cfg};
425  return function_wrapper_t{std::move(algorithm)};
426  };
428  // Check if it has free ends set for the first sequence trailing gaps.
429  auto has_free_ends_trailing = [&] (auto first) constexpr
430  {
431  if constexpr (!decltype(first)::value)
432  {
433  return configure_edit_traits(std::false_type{});
434  }
435  else // Resolve correct property at runtime.
436  {
437  if (method_global_cfg.free_end_gaps_sequence1_trailing)
438  return configure_edit_traits(std::true_type{});
439  else
440  return configure_edit_traits(std::false_type{});
441  }
442  };
444  // Check if it has free ends set for the first sequence leading gaps.
445  if (method_global_cfg.free_end_gaps_sequence1_leading)
446  return has_free_ends_trailing(std::true_type{});
447  else
448  return has_free_ends_trailing(std::false_type{});
449  }
467  template <typename function_wrapper_t, typename config_t>
468  static constexpr function_wrapper_t configure_scoring_scheme(config_t const & cfg);
484  template <typename function_wrapper_t, typename ...policies_t, typename config_t>
485  static constexpr function_wrapper_t make_algorithm(config_t const & cfg)
486  {
489  // Temporarily we will use the new and the old alignment implementation in order to
490  // refactor step-by-step to the new implementation. The new implementation will be tested in
491  // macrobenchmarks to show that it maintains a high performance.
493  // Use old alignment implementation if...
494  if constexpr (traits_t::is_local || // it is a local alignment,
495  traits_t::is_debug || // it runs in debug mode,
496  traits_t::compute_sequence_alignment || // it computes more than the begin position.
497  (traits_t::is_banded && traits_t::compute_begin_positions) || // banded && more than end positions.
498  (traits_t::is_vectorised && traits_t::compute_end_positions)) // simd and more than the score.
499  {
500  using matrix_policy_t = typename select_matrix_policy<traits_t>::type;
501  using gap_policy_t = typename select_gap_policy<traits_t>::type;
502  using find_optimum_t = typename select_find_optimum_policy<traits_t>::type;
503  using gap_init_policy_t = deferred_crtp_base<affine_gap_init_policy>;
505  return alignment_algorithm<config_t, matrix_policy_t, gap_policy_t, find_optimum_t, gap_init_policy_t, policies_t...>{cfg};
506  }
507  else // Use new alignment algorithm implementation.
508  {
509  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
510  // Configure the optimum tracker policy.
511  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
513  using scalar_optimum_updater_t = std::conditional_t<traits_t::is_banded,
517  using optimum_tracker_policy_t =
518  lazy_conditional_t<traits_t::is_vectorised,
522  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
523  // Configure the gap scheme policy.
524  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
526  using gap_cost_policy_t = typename select_gap_recursion_policy<config_t>::type;
528  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
529  // Configure the result builder policy.
530  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
532  using result_builder_policy_t = policy_alignment_result_builder<config_t>;
534  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
535  // Configure the scoring scheme policy.
536  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
538  using alignment_method_t = std::conditional_t<traits_t::is_global,
542  using score_t = typename traits_t::score_type;
543  using scoring_scheme_t = typename traits_t::scoring_scheme_type;
544  constexpr bool is_aminoacid_scheme = is_type_specialisation_of_v<scoring_scheme_t, aminoacid_scoring_scheme>;
546  using simple_simd_scheme_t = lazy_conditional_t<traits_t::is_vectorised,
548  score_t,
549  typename traits_t::scoring_scheme_alphabet_type,
550  alignment_method_t>,
551  void>;
552  using matrix_simd_scheme_t = lazy_conditional_t<traits_t::is_vectorised,
554  score_t,
555  typename traits_t::scoring_scheme_alphabet_type,
556  alignment_method_t>,
557  void>;
559  using alignment_scoring_scheme_t = std::conditional_t<traits_t::is_vectorised,
560  std::conditional_t<is_aminoacid_scheme,
561  matrix_simd_scheme_t,
562  simple_simd_scheme_t>,
563  scoring_scheme_t>;
565  using scoring_scheme_policy_t = policy_scoring_scheme<config_t, alignment_scoring_scheme_t>;
567  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
568  // Configure the alignment matrix policy.
569  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
571  using score_matrix_t = score_matrix_single_column<score_t>;
572  using trace_matrix_t = trace_matrix_full<trace_directions>;
574  using alignment_matrix_t = std::conditional_t<traits_t::requires_trace_information,
575  combined_score_and_trace_matrix<score_matrix_t,
576  trace_matrix_t>,
577  score_matrix_t>;
578  using alignment_matrix_policy_t = policy_alignment_matrix<traits_t, alignment_matrix_t>;
580  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
581  // Configure the final alignment algorithm.
582  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
584  using algorithm_t = select_alignment_algorithm_t<traits_t,
585  config_t,
586  gap_cost_policy_t,
587  optimum_tracker_policy_t,
588  result_builder_policy_t,
589  scoring_scheme_policy_t,
590  alignment_matrix_policy_t>;
591  return algorithm_t{cfg};
592  }
593  }
594 };
597 template <typename function_wrapper_t, typename config_t>
598 constexpr function_wrapper_t alignment_configurator::configure_scoring_scheme(config_t const & cfg)
599 {
600  using traits_t = alignment_configuration_traits<config_t>;
602  using scoring_scheme_t = typename traits_t::scoring_scheme_type;
603  constexpr bool is_aminoacid_scheme = is_type_specialisation_of_v<scoring_scheme_t, aminoacid_scoring_scheme>;
604  using alignment_type_t = typename std::conditional_t<traits_t::is_global,
608  using simple_simd_scheme_t = lazy_conditional_t<traits_t::is_vectorised,
609  lazy<simd_match_mismatch_scoring_scheme,
610  typename traits_t::score_type,
611  typename traits_t::scoring_scheme_alphabet_type,
612  alignment_type_t>,
613  void>;
614  using matrix_simd_scheme_t = lazy_conditional_t<traits_t::is_vectorised,
615  lazy<simd_matrix_scoring_scheme,
616  typename traits_t::score_type,
617  typename traits_t::scoring_scheme_alphabet_type,
618  alignment_type_t>,
619  void>;
621  using alignment_scoring_scheme_t = std::conditional_t<traits_t::is_vectorised,
623  scoring_scheme_t>;
625  using scoring_scheme_policy_t = deferred_crtp_base<scoring_scheme_policy, alignment_scoring_scheme_t>;
626  return make_algorithm<function_wrapper_t, scoring_scheme_policy_t>(cfg);
627 }
629 } // namespace seqan3::detail
Provides seqan3::detail::affine_gap_init_policy.
Provides seqan3::detail::affine_gap_policy.
Provides configuration for alignment output.
Provides seqan3::align_cfg::detail::result_type.
Provides seqan3::detail::align_result_selector.
Provides concepts needed internally for the alignment algorithms.
Provides helper type traits for the configuration and execution of the alignment algorithm.
Provides seqan3::detail::alignment_algorithm.
Provides seqan3::detail::alignment_matrix_policy.
Provides seqan3::alignment_result.
Provides seqan3::detail::alignment_score_matrix_one_column.
Provides seqan3::detail::alignment_score_matrix_one_column_banded.
Provides seqan3::detail::alignment_trace_matrix_full.
Provides seqan3::detail::alignment_trace_matrix_full_banded.
Provides seqan3::aminoacid_scoring_scheme.
Configuration element capturing the configured seqan3::alignment_result for the alignment algorithm.
Definition: align_config_result_type.hpp:46
A configuration element for the affine gap cost scheme.
Definition: align_config_gap_cost_affine.hpp:74
Sets the global alignment method.
Definition: align_config_method.hpp:106
Sets the local alignment method.
Definition: align_config_method.hpp:43
Configures the alignment result to output the alignment.
Definition: align_config_output.hpp:168
Configures the alignment result to output the begin positions.
Definition: align_config_output.hpp:129
Configures the alignment result to output the end position.
Definition: align_config_output.hpp:86
Configures the alignment result to output the score.
Definition: align_config_output.hpp:43
Configures the alignment result to output the id of the first sequence.
Definition: align_config_output.hpp:207
Configures the alignment result to output the id of the second sequence.
Definition: align_config_output.hpp:246
Stores the alignment results and gives access to score, alignment and the front and end positionss.
Definition: alignment_result.hpp:155
The alignment algorithm type to compute standard pairwise alignment using dynamic programming.
Definition: alignment_algorithm.hpp:80
A banded alignment score matrix storing only a single banded column for the computation.
Definition: alignment_score_matrix_one_column_banded.hpp:43
An alignment score matrix storing only a single column for the computation.
Definition: alignment_score_matrix_one_column.hpp:45
An alignment traceback matrix storing the entire banded traceback matrix.
Definition: alignment_trace_matrix_full_banded.hpp:54
An alignment traceback matrix storing the entire traceback matrix.
Definition: alignment_trace_matrix_full.hpp:51
An alignment matrix that combines a score matrix with a trace matrix into a common interface.
Definition: combined_score_and_trace_matrix.hpp:50
This algorithm unifies different edit distance implementations and uses the appropriate one depending...
Definition: edit_distance_algorithm.hpp:40
The alignment algorithm type to compute the banded standard pairwise alignment using dynamic programm...
Definition: pairwise_alignment_algorithm_banded.hpp:37
The alignment algorithm type to compute standard pairwise alignment using dynamic programming.
Definition: pairwise_alignment_algorithm.hpp:49
Implements the alignment recursion function for the banded alignment algorithm using affine gap costs...
Definition: policy_affine_gap_recursion_banded.hpp:26
Implements the alignment recursion function for the alignment algorithm using affine gap costs.
Definition: policy_affine_gap_recursion.hpp:45
Implements the alignment recursion function for the banded alignment algorithm using affine gap costs...
Definition: policy_affine_gap_with_trace_recursion_banded.hpp:28
Implements the alignment recursion function for the alignment algorithm using affine gap costs with t...
Definition: policy_affine_gap_with_trace_recursion.hpp:27
A policy that provides a common interface to acquire the correct alignment matrices.
Definition: policy_alignment_matrix.hpp:49
Implements the alignment result builder.
Definition: policy_alignment_result_builder.hpp:41
Stores the configured scoring scheme used for this algorithm.
Definition: policy_scoring_scheme.hpp:34
Score matrix for the pairwise alignment using only a single column.
Definition: score_matrix_single_column.hpp:56
A vectorised scoring scheme handling matches and mismatches only.
Definition: simd_match_mismatch_scoring_scheme.hpp:72
A vectorised scoring scheme to handle scoring matrices using gather strategy.
Definition: simd_matrix_scoring_scheme.hpp:61
Trace matrix for the pairwise alignment using the full trace matrix.
Definition: trace_matrix_full.hpp:55
Thrown if the configuration of the alignment algorithm is invalid.
Definition: exception.hpp:34
A data structure for managing and computing the score of two nucleotides.
Definition: nucleotide_scoring_scheme.hpp:38
Provides seqan3::detail::combined_score_and_trace_matrix.
Provides seqan3::detail::deferred_crtp_base.
Provides type traits for working with templates.
Provides seqan3::detail::edit_distance_algorithm.
Provides seqan3::detail::find_optimum_policy.
auto const move
A view that turns lvalue-references into rvalue-references.
Definition: move.hpp:70
A concept that requires that type be able to score two letters.
Whether a type behaves like a tuple.
Provides lazy template instantiation traits.
The internal SeqAn3 namespace.
Definition: aligned_sequence_concept.hpp:29
decltype(views::type_reduce(std::declval< t >())) type_reduce_view
Deduces the return value of seqan3::views::type_reduce.
Definition: type_reduce.hpp:168
Provides seqan3::nucleotide_scoring_scheme.
Provides seqan3::detail::pairwise_alignment_algorithm.
Provides seqan3::detail::pairwise_alignment_algorithm.
Provides seqan3::detail::policy_affine_gap_recursion.
Provides seqan3::detail::policy_affine_gap_recursion_banded.
Provides seqan3::detail::policy_affine_gap_with_trace_recursion.
Provides seqan3::detail::policy_affine_gap_with_trace_recursion_banded.
Provides seqan3::detail::policy_alignment_matrix.
Provides seqan3::detail::policy_alignment_result_builder.
Provides seqan3::detail::policy_optimum_tracker.
Provides seqan3::detail::policy_optimum_tracker_simd.
Provides seqan3::detail::policy_scoring_scheme.
Provides seqan3::detail::score_matrix_single_column.
Provides seqan3::detail::scoring_scheme_policy.
Provides seqan3::detail::simd_affine_gap_policy.
Provides seqan3::detail::simd_find_optimum_policy.
Provides seqan3::detail::simd_match_mismatch_scoring_scheme.
Provides seqan3::detail::simd_matrix_scoring_scheme.
Helper metafunction to select the alignment result type based on the configuration.
Definition: align_result_selector.hpp:50
A traits type for the alignment algorithm that exposes static information stored within the alignment...
Definition: type_traits.hpp:87
static constexpr bool is_banded
Flag indicating whether banded alignment mode is enabled.
Definition: type_traits.hpp:130
static constexpr bool requires_trace_information
Flag indicating whether the trace matrix needs to be computed.
Definition: type_traits.hpp:190
Transformation trait that chooses the correct find optimum policy.
Definition: alignment_configurator.hpp:191
typename traits_t::score_type score_t
The score type for the alignment computation.
Definition: alignment_configurator.hpp:194
Transformation trait that chooses the correct gap policy.
Definition: alignment_configurator.hpp:169
typename traits_t::score_type score_t
The score type for the alignment computation.
Definition: alignment_configurator.hpp:172
Selects the gap recursion policy.
Definition: alignment_configurator.hpp:214
static constexpr bool with_trace
A flag indicating if trace is required.
Definition: alignment_configurator.hpp:219
std::conditional_t< with_trace, policy_affine_gap_with_trace_recursion_banded< config_t >, policy_affine_gap_recursion_banded< config_t > > banded_gap_recursion_policy_type
The banded gap recursion policy.
Definition: alignment_configurator.hpp:229
Transformation trait that chooses the correct matrix policy.
Definition: alignment_configurator.hpp:142
static constexpr bool only_coordinates
Indicates whether only the coordinate is required to compute the alignment.
Definition: alignment_configurator.hpp:145
Configures the alignment algorithm given the sequences and the configuration object.
Definition: alignment_configurator.hpp:134
static constexpr auto maybe_default_output(config_t const &config) noexcept
Adds maybe the default output arguments if the user did not provide any.
Definition: alignment_configurator.hpp:378
static constexpr auto configure(config_t const &cfg)
Configures the algorithm.
Definition: alignment_configurator.hpp:268
lazy_conditional_t< traits_t::is_banded, lazy< pairwise_alignment_algorithm_banded, args_t... >, lazy< pairwise_alignment_algorithm, args_t... > > select_alignment_algorithm_t
Selects either the banded or the unbanded alignment algorithm based on the given traits type.
Definition: alignment_configurator.hpp:207
static constexpr function_wrapper_t make_algorithm(config_t const &cfg)
Constructs the actual alignment algorithm wrapped in the passed std::function object.
Definition: alignment_configurator.hpp:485
static constexpr function_wrapper_t configure_edit_distance(config_t const &cfg)
Configures the edit distance algorithm.
Definition: alignment_configurator.hpp:399
static constexpr function_wrapper_t configure_scoring_scheme(config_t const &cfg)
Configures the scoring scheme to use for the alignment computation.
Provides several contracts to test when configuring the alignment algorithm.
Definition: alignment_configurator.hpp:80
constexpr static bool expects_tuple_like_value_type()
Tests whether the value type of range_type is a tuple with exactly 2 members.
Definition: alignment_configurator.hpp:95
std::tuple_element_t< 0, std::ranges::range_value_t< unref_range_type > > first_seq_t
The type of the first sequence.
Definition: alignment_configurator.hpp:88
constexpr static bool expects_valid_scoring_scheme()
Tests whether the scoring scheme is set and can be invoked with the sequences passed.
Definition: alignment_configurator.hpp:102
std::tuple_element_t< 1, std::ranges::range_value_t< unref_range_type > > second_seq_t
The type of the second sequence.
Definition: alignment_configurator.hpp:90
constexpr static bool expects_alignment_configuration()
Expects alignment configurations.
Definition: alignment_configurator.hpp:120
decltype(views::zip(std::declval< sequence_pairs_t >(), std::views::iota(0))|views::chunk(1)) type
The transformed type that models seqan3::detail::indexed_sequence_pair_range.
Definition: type_traits.hpp:68
An invocable wrapper that defers the instantiation of a crtp_base class.
Definition: deferred_crtp_base.hpp:43
An empty type whose only purpose is to hold an uninstantiated template plus its arguments.
Definition: lazy_conditional.hpp:36
A function object that compares and possibly updates the alignment optimum with the current cell.
Definition: policy_optimum_tracker.hpp:112
A function object that compares and possibly updates the alignment optimum with the current cell.
Definition: policy_optimum_tracker.hpp:39
Provides seqan3::detail::trace_matrix_full.
Provides seqan3::views::type_reduce.
Provides seqan3::simd::simd_type.
Provides seqan3::tuple_like.
Provides seqan3::views::zip.