SeqAn3  3.0.3
The Modern C++ library for sequence analysis.
seqan3::detail::format_parse Class Reference

The format that organizes the actual parsing of command line arguments. More...

#include <seqan3/argument_parser/detail/format_parse.hpp>

+ Inheritance diagram for seqan3::detail::format_parse:

Public Member Functions

void add_flag (bool &value, char const short_id, std::string const &long_id, std::string const &desc, option_spec const &spec)
 Adds a get_flag call to be evaluated later on. More...
template<typename option_type , typename validator_type >
void add_option (option_type &value, char const short_id, std::string const &long_id, std::string const &desc, option_spec const spec, validator_type &&option_validator)
 Adds an seqan3::detail::get_option call to be evaluated later on. More...
template<typename option_type , typename validator_type >
void add_positional_option (option_type &value, std::string const &desc, validator_type &&option_validator)
 Adds a get_positional_option call to be evaluated later on. More...
void parse (argument_parser_meta_data const &)
 Initiates the actual command line parsing.
Constructors, destructor and assignment
 format_parse ()=delete
 format_parse (format_parse const &pf)=default
format_parseoperator= (format_parse const &pf)=default
 format_parse (format_parse &&)=default
format_parseoperator= (format_parse &&)=default
 ~format_parse ()=default
 format_parse (int const argc_, std::vector< std::string > argv_)
 The constructor of the parse format. More...

Static Public Member Functions

template<typename iterator_type , typename id_type >
static iterator_type find_option_id (iterator_type begin_it, iterator_type end_it, id_type const &id)
 Finds the position of a short/long identifier in format_parse::argv. More...
template<typename id_type >
static bool is_empty_id (id_type const &id)
 Checks whether id is empty.

Protected Member Functions

std::string escape_special_xml_chars (std::string const &original)
 Escapes certain characters for correct output. More...

Static Protected Member Functions

static std::string expand_multiple_flags (std::string const &flag_cluster)
 Expands multiple one character flag identifiers for pretty help output. More...
template<sequence_container container_type>
static std::string get_type_name_as_string (container_type const &)
 Returns the value_type of the input container as a string (reflection). More...
template<typename value_type >
static std::string get_type_name_as_string (value_type const &)
 Returns the input type as a string (reflection). More...
template<typename container_type >
static std::string option_type_and_list_info (container_type const &container)
 Formats the container and its value_type for the help page printing. More...
template<typename option_value_type >
static std::string option_type_and_list_info (option_value_type const &value)
 Formats the type of a value for the help page printing. More...
static std::string prep_id_for_help (char const short_id, std::string const &long_id)
 Formats the option/flag identifier pair for the help page printing. More...

Private Types

enum class  option_parse_result { success , error , overflow_error }
 Describes the result of parsing the user input string given the respective option value type. More...

Private Member Functions

void check_for_left_over_args ()
 Checks format_parse::argv for unknown options/flags. More...
void check_for_unknown_ids ()
 Checks format_parse::argv for unknown options/flags. More...
std::string combine_option_names (char const short_id, std::string const &long_id)
 Returns "-[short_id]/--[long_id]" if both are non-empty or just one of them if the other is empty. More...
bool flag_is_set (char const short_id)
 Returns true and removes the short identifier if it is in format_parse::argv. More...
bool flag_is_set (std::string const &long_id)
 Returns true and removes the long identifier if it is in format_parse::argv. More...
void get_flag (bool &value, char const short_id, std::string const &long_id)
 Handles command line flags, whether they are set or not. More...
template<typename option_type , typename validator_type >
void get_option (option_type &value, char const short_id, std::string const &long_id, option_spec const spec, validator_type &&validator)
 Handles command line option retrieval. More...
template<typename option_type , typename id_type >
bool get_option_by_id (option_type &value, id_type const &id)
 Handles value retrieval (non container type) options. More...
template<sequence_container option_type, typename id_type >
bool get_option_by_id (option_type &value, id_type const &id)
 Handles value retrieval (container type) options. More...
template<typename option_type , typename validator_type >
void get_positional_option (option_type &value, validator_type &&validator)
 Handles command line positional option retrieval. More...
template<typename option_type , typename id_type >
bool identify_and_retrieve_option_value (option_type &value, std::vector< std::string >::iterator &option_it, id_type const &id)
 Handles value retrieval for options based on different kev value pairs. More...
option_parse_result parse_option_value (bool &value, std::string const &in)
 Tries to parse an input string into a boolean value. More...
template<sequence_container container_option_t>
option_parse_result parse_option_value (container_option_t &value, std::string const &in)
 Parses the given option value and appends it to the target container. More...
template<typename option_t >
option_parse_result parse_option_value (option_t &value, std::string const &in)
 Tries to parse an input string into a value using the stream operator>>. More...
template<named_enumeration option_t>
option_parse_result parse_option_value (option_t &value, std::string const &in)
 Sets an option value depending on the keys found in seqan3::enumeration_names<option_t>. More...
template<arithmetic option_t>
option_parse_result parse_option_value (option_t &value, std::string const &in)
 Tries to parse an input string into an arithmetic value. More...
template<typename option_type >
void throw_on_input_error (option_parse_result const res, std::string const &option_name, std::string const &input_value)
 Tries to parse an input string into boolean value. More...

Static Private Member Functions

static std::string prepend_dash (char const short_id)
 Appends a double dash to a short identifier and returns it. More...
static std::string prepend_dash (std::string const &long_id)
 Appends a double dash to a long identifier and returns it. More...

Private Attributes

int argc
 Number of command line arguments.
std::vector< std::stringargv
 Vector of command line arguments.
std::vector< std::string >::iterator end_of_options_it
 Artificial end of argv if -- was seen.
std::vector< std::function< void()> > flag_calls
 Stores get_flag calls to be evaluated when calling format_parse::parse().
std::vector< std::function< void()> > option_calls
 Stores get_option calls to be evaluated when calling format_parse::parse().
std::vector< std::function< void()> > positional_option_calls
 Stores get_positional_option calls to be evaluated when calling format_parse::parse().
unsigned positional_option_count {0}
 Keeps track of the number of specified positional options.

Detailed Description

The format that organizes the actual parsing of command line arguments.

In order to be independent of the options value type, we do not want to store parameters/options/flags/.. directly (though a variant might work, it is hacky). Directly parsing is also difficult, since the order of parsing options/flags is non trivial (e.g. ambiguousness of '-g 4' => option+value or flag+positional). Therefore, we store the parsing calls of the developer in a function object, (format_parse::option_and_flag_calls, seqan3::detail::format_parse::positional_option_calls) executing them in a new order when calling format_parse::parse(). This enables us to parse any option type and resolve any ambiguousness, so no additional restrictions apply to the developer when setting up the parser.

Order of parsing: -#. Options (order within as specified by the developer) -#. Flags (order within as specified by the developer) -#. Positional Options (order within as specified by the developer)

When parsing flags and options, the identifiers (and values) are removed from the vector format_parse::argv. That way, options that are specified multiple times, but are no container type, can be identified and an error is reported.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ option_parse_result

Describes the result of parsing the user input string given the respective option value type.


Parsing of user input was successful.


There was some error while trying to parse the user input.


Parsing was successful but the arithmetic value would cause an overflow.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ format_parse()

seqan3::detail::format_parse::format_parse ( int const  argc_,
std::vector< std::string argv_ 

The constructor of the parse format.

[in]argc_The number of command line arguments.
[in]argv_The command line arguments to parse.

Member Function Documentation

◆ add_flag()

void seqan3::detail::format_parse::add_flag ( bool &  value,
char const  short_id,
std::string const &  long_id,
std::string const &  desc,
option_spec const &  spec 

Adds a get_flag call to be evaluated later on.

[in,out]valueThe variable in which to store the given command line argument.
[in]short_idThe short identifier for the flag (e.g. 'i').
[in]long_idThe long identifier for the flag (e.g. "integer").
[in]descThe description of the flag to be shown in the help page.
[in]specAdvanced flag specification, see seqan3::option_spec.

◆ add_option()

template<typename option_type , typename validator_type >
void seqan3::detail::format_parse::add_option ( option_type &  value,
char const  short_id,
std::string const &  long_id,
std::string const &  desc,
option_spec const  spec,
validator_type &&  option_validator 

Adds an seqan3::detail::get_option call to be evaluated later on.

Template Parameters
option_typeMust have a formatted input function (stream >> value). If option_type is a container, its value type must have the formatted input function (exception: std::string is not regarded as a container). See FormattedInputFunction .
validator_typeThe type of validator to be applied to the option value. Must model seqan3::validator.
[in,out]valueThe variable in which to store the given command line argument.
[in]short_idThe short identifier for the option (e.g. 'a').
[in]long_idThe long identifier for the option (e.g. "age").
[in]descThe description of the option to be shown in the help page.
[in]specAdvanced option specification, see seqan3::option_spec.
[in]option_validatorA seqan3::validator that verifies the value after parsing (callable).

◆ add_positional_option()

template<typename option_type , typename validator_type >
void seqan3::detail::format_parse::add_positional_option ( option_type &  value,
std::string const &  desc,
validator_type &&  option_validator 

Adds a get_positional_option call to be evaluated later on.

Template Parameters
option_typeMust have a formatted input function (stream >> value). If option_type is a container, its value type must have the formatted input function (exception: std::string is not regarded as a container). See FormattedInputFunction .
validator_typeThe type of validator to be applied to the option value. Must model seqan3::validator.
[in,out]valueThe variable in which to store the given command line argument.
[in]descThe description of the positional option to be shown in the help page.
[in]option_validatorA seqan3::validator that verifies the value after parsing (callable).

The validator must be applicable to the given output variable (value).

◆ check_for_left_over_args()

void seqan3::detail::format_parse::check_for_left_over_args ( )

Checks format_parse::argv for unknown options/flags.


This function is used by format_parse::parse() AFTER all flags, options and positional options specified by the developer were parsed and therefore removed from argv. Thus, all remaining non-empty arguments are too much.

◆ check_for_unknown_ids()

void seqan3::detail::format_parse::check_for_unknown_ids ( )

Checks format_parse::argv for unknown options/flags.


This function is used by format_parse::parse() AFTER all flags and options specified by the developer were parsed and therefore removed from argv. Thus, all remaining flags/options are unknown.

In addition this function removes "--" (if specified) from argv to clean argv for positional option retrieval.

◆ combine_option_names()

std::string seqan3::detail::format_parse::combine_option_names ( char const  short_id,
std::string const &  long_id 

Returns "-[short_id]/--[long_id]" if both are non-empty or just one of them if the other is empty.

[in]short_idThe name of the short identifier.
[in]long_idThe name of the long identifier.
The short_id prepended with a single dash and the long_id prepended with a double dash, separated by '/'.

◆ escape_special_xml_chars()

std::string seqan3::detail::format_base::escape_special_xml_chars ( std::string const &  original)

Escapes certain characters for correct output.

[in]originalThe string containing characters to be escaped.
The original string as their corresponding html/xml representation.

Special characters considered are ", \, &, < and >.

◆ expand_multiple_flags()

static std::string seqan3::detail::format_base::expand_multiple_flags ( std::string const &  flag_cluster)

Expands multiple one character flag identifiers for pretty help output.

[in]flag_clusterThe string of one character flags.
A string that lists all flags as a comma separated list.

e.g. "-agdg" becomes "-a, -g, -d and -g".

◆ find_option_id()

template<typename iterator_type , typename id_type >
static iterator_type seqan3::detail::format_parse::find_option_id ( iterator_type  begin_it,
iterator_type  end_it,
id_type const &  id 

Finds the position of a short/long identifier in format_parse::argv.

Template Parameters
iterator_typeThe type of iterator that defines the range to search in.
id_typeThe identifier type; must be either of type char if it denotes a short identifier or std::string if it denotes a long identifier.
[in]begin_itThe iterator where to start the search of the identifier.
[in]end_itThe iterator one past the end of where to search the identifier.
[in]idThe identifier to search for (must not contain dashes).
An iterator pointing to the first occurrence of id in the list pointed to by begin_it or end_it if it is not contained.

Valid short-id value pairs are: -iValue, -i=Value, or -i Value If the id passed to this function is of type char, it is assumed to be a short identifier. The id is found by comparing the prefix of every argument in argv to the id prepended with a single -.

Valid long id value pairs are: --id=Value, --id Value. If the id passed to this function is of type std::string, it is assumed to be a long identifier. The id is found by comparing every argument in argv to id prepended with two dashes (--) or a prefix of such followed by the equal sign =.

◆ flag_is_set() [1/2]

bool seqan3::detail::format_parse::flag_is_set ( char const  short_id)

Returns true and removes the short identifier if it is in format_parse::argv.

[in]short_idThe short identifier of the flag to check.

◆ flag_is_set() [2/2]

bool seqan3::detail::format_parse::flag_is_set ( std::string const &  long_id)

Returns true and removes the long identifier if it is in format_parse::argv.

[in]long_idThe long identifier of the flag to check.

◆ get_flag()

void seqan3::detail::format_parse::get_flag ( bool &  value,
char const  short_id,
std::string const &  long_id 

Handles command line flags, whether they are set or not.

[out]valueThe variable in which to store the given command line argument.
[in]short_idThe short identifier for the flag (e.g. 'i').
[in]long_idThe long identifier for the flag (e.g. "integer").

◆ get_option()

template<typename option_type , typename validator_type >
void seqan3::detail::format_parse::get_option ( option_type &  value,
char const  short_id,
std::string const &  long_id,
option_spec const  spec,
validator_type &&  validator 

Handles command line option retrieval.

[out]valueThe variable in which to store the given command line argument.
[in]short_idThe short identifier for the option (e.g. 'i').
[in]long_idThe long identifier for the option (e.g. "integer").
[in]specAdvanced option specification, see seqan3::option_spec.
[in]validatorThe validator applied to the value after parsing (callable).

This function

  • checks if the option is required but not set,
  • retrieves any value found by the short or long identifier,
  • throws on (mis)use of both identifiers for non-container type values,
  • re-throws the validation exception with appended option information.

◆ get_option_by_id() [1/2]

template<typename option_type , typename id_type >
bool seqan3::detail::format_parse::get_option_by_id ( option_type &  value,
id_type const &  id 

Handles value retrieval (non container type) options.

[out]valueStores the value found in argv, parsed by parse_option_value.
[in]idThe option identifier supplied on the command line.

If the option identifier is found in format_parse::argv, the value of the following position in argv is tried to be parsed given the respective option value type and the identifier and value argument are removed from argv.

Returns true on success and false otherwise. This is needed to catch the user error of supplying multiple arguments for the same (non container!) option by specifying the short AND long identifier.

◆ get_option_by_id() [2/2]

template<sequence_container option_type, typename id_type >
bool seqan3::detail::format_parse::get_option_by_id ( option_type &  value,
id_type const &  id 

Handles value retrieval (container type) options.

[out]valueStores all values found in argv, parsed by parse_option_value.
[in]idThe option identifier supplied on the command line.

Since option_type is a container, the option is a list and can be parsed multiple times.

◆ get_positional_option()

template<typename option_type , typename validator_type >
void seqan3::detail::format_parse::get_positional_option ( option_type &  value,
validator_type &&  validator 

Handles command line positional option retrieval.

[out]valueThe variable in which to store the given command line argument.
[in]validatorThe validator applied to the value after parsing (callable).

This function assumes that -#) argv has been stripped from all known options and flags -#) argv has been checked for unknown options -#) argv does not contain "--" anymore Thus we can simply iterate over non empty entries of argv.

This function

  • checks if the user did not provide enough arguments,
  • retrieves the next (no container type) or all (container type) remaining non empty value/s in argv

◆ get_type_name_as_string() [1/2]

template<sequence_container container_type>
static std::string seqan3::detail::format_base::get_type_name_as_string ( container_type const &  )

Returns the value_type of the input container as a string (reflection).

Template Parameters
container_typeThe container type for which to query it's value_type.
The type of the container value_type as a string.

◆ get_type_name_as_string() [2/2]

template<typename value_type >
static std::string seqan3::detail::format_base::get_type_name_as_string ( value_type const &  )

Returns the input type as a string (reflection).

Template Parameters
value_typeThe type whose name is converted std::string.
The type of the value as a string.

◆ identify_and_retrieve_option_value()

template<typename option_type , typename id_type >
bool seqan3::detail::format_parse::identify_and_retrieve_option_value ( option_type &  value,
std::vector< std::string >::iterator &  option_it,
id_type const &  id 

Handles value retrieval for options based on different kev value pairs.

[out]valueStores the value found in argv, parsed by parse_option_value.
[in]option_itThe iterator where the option identifier was found.
[in]idThe option identifier supplied on the command line.
seqan3::too_few_argumentsif the option was not followed by a value.
seqan3::user_input_errorif the given option value was invalid.

The value at option_it is inspected whether it is an '-key value', '-key=value' or '-keyValue' pair and the input is extracted accordingly. The input will then be tried to be parsed into the value parameter.

Returns true on success and false otherwise.

◆ option_type_and_list_info() [1/2]

template<typename container_type >
static std::string seqan3::detail::format_base::option_type_and_list_info ( container_type const &  container)

Formats the container and its value_type for the help page printing.

Template Parameters
container_typeA type that must satisfy the seqan3::sequence_container.
[in]containerThe container to deduct the type from.
The type of the container value type as a string, encapsulated in "List of".

◆ option_type_and_list_info() [2/2]

template<typename option_value_type >
static std::string seqan3::detail::format_base::option_type_and_list_info ( option_value_type const &  value)

Formats the type of a value for the help page printing.

Template Parameters
option_value_typeThe type of the option value to get the info for.
[in]valueThe value to deduct the type from.
The type of the value as string.

◆ parse_option_value() [1/5]

option_parse_result seqan3::detail::format_parse::parse_option_value ( bool &  value,
std::string const &  in 

Tries to parse an input string into a boolean value.

[out]valueStores the parsed value.
[in]inThe input argument to be parsed.
A seqan3::option_parse_result whether parsing was successful or not.

This function accepts the strings "0" or "false" which sets sets value to false or "1" or "true" which sets value to true.

◆ parse_option_value() [2/5]

template<sequence_container container_option_t>
option_parse_result seqan3::detail::format_parse::parse_option_value ( container_option_t &  value,
std::string const &  in 

Parses the given option value and appends it to the target container.

Template Parameters
container_option_tMust model the seqan3::sequence_container and its value_type must be parseable via parse_option_value
[out]valueThe container that stores the parsed value.
[in]inThe input argument to be parsed.
A seqan3::option_parse_result whether parsing was successful or not.

◆ parse_option_value() [3/5]

template<typename option_t >
option_parse_result seqan3::detail::format_parse::parse_option_value ( option_t &  value,
std::string const &  in 

Tries to parse an input string into a value using the stream operator>>.

Template Parameters
option_tMust model seqan3::input_stream_over.
[out]valueStores the parsed value.
[in]inThe input argument to be parsed.
seqan3::option_parse_result::error if in could not be parsed via the stream operator and otherwise seqan3::option_parse_result::success.

◆ parse_option_value() [4/5]

template<named_enumeration option_t>
option_parse_result seqan3::detail::format_parse::parse_option_value ( option_t &  value,
std::string const &  in 

Sets an option value depending on the keys found in seqan3::enumeration_names<option_t>.

Template Parameters
option_tMust model seqan3::named_enumeration.
[out]valueStores the parsed value.
[in]inThe input argument to be parsed.
seqan3::option_parse_result::error if in could not be found in the seqan3::enumeration_names<option_t> map and otherwise seqan3::option_parse_result::success.

◆ parse_option_value() [5/5]

template<arithmetic option_t>
option_parse_result seqan3::detail::format_parse::parse_option_value ( option_t &  value,
std::string const &  in 

Tries to parse an input string into an arithmetic value.

Template Parameters
option_tThe option value type; must model seqan3::arithmetic.
[out]valueStores the parsed value.
[in]inThe input argument to be parsed.
seqan3::option_parse_result::error if in could not be parsed to an arithmetic type via std::from_chars, seqan3::option_parse_result::overflow_error if in could be parsed but the value is too large for the respective type, and otherwise seqan3::option_parse_result::success.

This function delegates to std::from_chars.

◆ prep_id_for_help()

static std::string seqan3::detail::format_base::prep_id_for_help ( char const  short_id,
std::string const &  long_id 

Formats the option/flag identifier pair for the help page printing.

[in]short_idThe short identifier of the option/flag.
[in]long_idThe long identifier of the option/flag.
The name of the short and long id, prepended with (double)dash.

e.g. "-i,--integer", "-i", or "--integer".

◆ prepend_dash() [1/2]

static std::string seqan3::detail::format_parse::prepend_dash ( char const  short_id)

Appends a double dash to a short identifier and returns it.

[in]short_idThe name of the short identifier.
The input short name prepended with a single dash.

◆ prepend_dash() [2/2]

static std::string seqan3::detail::format_parse::prepend_dash ( std::string const &  long_id)

Appends a double dash to a long identifier and returns it.

[in]long_idThe name of the long identifier.
The input long name prepended with a double dash.

◆ throw_on_input_error()

template<typename option_type >
void seqan3::detail::format_parse::throw_on_input_error ( option_parse_result const  res,
std::string const &  option_name,
std::string const &  input_value 

Tries to parse an input string into boolean value.

[in]resA result value of parsing an input string to the respective option value type.
[in]option_nameThe name of the option whose input was parsed.
[in]input_valueThe original user input in question.
seqan3::user_input_errorif res was not seqan3::option_parse_result::success.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: